Review of nanoblock Scorbunny NBPM_060

Scorbunny build and box

This post is a review of the nanoblock Scorbunny build. This build is part of the nanoblock Pokemon collection. Wondering what else is part of the Pokemon Collection? Click Here for a list.

Number: NBPM_060

Number of Pieces: 180

Difficulty Rating: 2/5

Scorbunny front view

Scorbunny is the fire-type starter from generation 8. Scorbunny has orange ear tips in the games, which are very different from the maroon in the model.

As to the build, there are the body and head to build. In an unusual style for nanoblock, it is hard to tell the difference between what gets added in the current step and what was there in the step before. I think this is so much of Scorbunny is white. If you can keep the layers apart, it is pretty easy to build both the body and the head. I was worried that the model would have difficulty standing on his feet because his head was so large. I was pleasantly surprised to find that he could stand just fine. The colors don’t look right to me, and I find Scorbunny highly muted.

Scorbunny 3/4 back

Things I liked:

  • He manages to stand on his feet

Things I didn’t like:

  • The coloring is all wrong for Scorbunny

Link to order: Amazon

Review of nanoblock Grookey NBPM_059

Grookey build and box

This post is a review of the nanoblock Grookey build. Grookey is part of the nanoblock Pokemon collection. Wondering what else is part of the Pokemon Collection? Click Here for a list.

Number: NBPM_059

Number of Pieces: 190

Difficulty Rating: 2/5

Grookey front view

Grookey is the grass starter from generation 8. It’s known for poking things which shouldn’t be much of a surprise because its final evolution is a drummer.

The build is broken up into 2 builds the body and the head. It is hard to tell the difference between the brown and golden brown in the directions. The body is a straightforward build that is built up by adding layers of bricks to create a hunched-over body. It can be a bit tippy when it’s done if you don’t attach the base feet quick enough. The head is an average sphere build where you start with a base and build around the outside and eventually close up the sphere. Then you add Grookey’s branch and top fur.

Overall I really like the build, and I feel that Grookey is highly recognizable. I think that the colors match the pokemon overall very well.

Grookey back 3/4

Things I liked:

  • The coloring for the whole build

Things I didn’t like:

  • Fighting to perfectly line up the tail

Review of nanoblock Pikachu Deluxe Edition NBPM_036

Pikachu Deluxe Edition build and box

This post is a review of the nanoblock Pikachu Deluxe Edition build. This build is part of the nanoblock Pokemon collection. Wondering what else is part of the Pokemon Collection? Click Here for a list.

Number: NBPM_036

Number of Pieces: 560

Difficulty Rating: 3/5

Pikachu Deluxe Edition front view

Deluxe Pikachu was the first deluxe Pokemon kit. I love my giant Pikachu, and he usually sits ready to stomp on one of my Lego cityscapes.

Pikachu Deluxe Edition side view

Deluxe Pikachu is similar to normal Pikachu (NBPM_001), but it uses much larger bricks. The largest brick is 2 X 8, which is larger than anything in most non-deluxe Pokemon sets. Overall, Deluxe Pikachu starts with a solid base and builds up in layers from the bottom up. Bricks of various colors create the stripes and the cheeks. I find that the most challenging part of Pikachu, and the thing I keep fixing, is his tail. The tail itself stays together without a problem. The problem is that the tail doesn’t want to remain attached to the 2×2 brick it is supposed to stay on.

Overall I really like Deluxe Pikachu. I think he looks super cute, especially for where nanoblocks were at the time. Based on the other Pokemon kits that came out at similar times to when Deluxe Pikachu was released, the slanted blocks didn’t really exist, so Pikachu had no choice but to be blocky. If the kit came out today, I could see Pikachu being more curved.

Pikachu Deluxe Edition back view

Things I liked:

  • I just like the giant Pikachu

Things I didn’t like:

  • I wish it was less blocky overall

Review of nanoblock Venusaur NBPM_018

Venusaur build and package

This post is a review of the nanoblock Venusaur build. Venusaur is part of the nanoblock Pokemon collection. Wondering what else is part of the Pokemon Collection? Click Here for a list.

Number: NBPM_018

Number of Pieces: 160

Difficulty Rating: 2/5

Venusaur 3/4 front view

Venusaur is the 3rd evolution of Bulbasaur. At first glance, the build is more involved than the Bulbasaur build because of the detail in the flower on Venusaur’s back.

Venusaur flower detail

Overall I feel like this should be a 3/5 build since it is more challenging than most of the other 2/5s I have done. Overall there were 2 parts of the build I found difficult. In both of these spots, you build smaller pieces and connect them using a couple of single studs. The first step was difficult because of the size of the base and getting everything lined up. This was before I bought my pad so getting things lined up was a little challenging.

Venusaur back 3/4 view

I liked how Venusaur turned out overall. He is super recognizable, which is excellent, and I liked how it worked and looked once I got it built.

Things I liked:

  • The detail in the flower
  • How the flower appears to float above Venusaur

Link to order: Amazon

Review of nanoblock Monotone Squirtle NBPM_017

Monotone Squirtle build and box

This post is a review of the nanoblock Monotone Squirtle build. Monotone Squirtle is part of the nanoblock Pokemon collection. Wondering what else is part of the Pokemon Collection? Click Here for a list.


  • English: Monotone Squirtle
  • Japanese: Zenigame Monotone

Number: NBPM_017 

Number of Pieces: 160

Difficulty Rating: 2/5

Monotone Squirtle front view

Monotone Squirtle is a version of the Pokemon that uses greyscale instead of various colors to create the build. Since the build is identical to that of the original, I’m going to direct you there for a review of the building process. I’m only going to review the final build of the Monotone Squirtle build here. For more information about the monotone collection check out this post.

Overall the build is primarily light grey. The stomach is white, while the shell is dark grey with a regular grey outline. Overall, the Pokemon is still super recognizable and looks like it could have come from the original Gameboy games. I really liked the monotone line and wish nanoblock would make more.

A surprise is that the 4 monotone starters (this build along with the builds for Pikachu, Charmander, and Bulbasaur) all come with a few extra bricks to make a Monotone Mew. This build comes with:

  • 20 1X3 light grey
  • 8 1×4 light grey
  • 9 2×3 light grey
Monotone Squirtle back 3/4 view

Things I liked:

  • I like how the greyscale turns out

Review of nanoblock Monotone Bulbasaur NBPM_016

Monotone Bulbasaur build and box

This post is a review of the nanoblock Monotone Bulbasaur build. Monotone Bulbasaur is part of the nanoblock Pokemon collection. Wondering what else is part of the Pokemon Collection? Click Here for a list.


  • English: Monotone Bulbasaur
  • Japanese: Fushigidane Monotone

Number: NBPM_016 

Number of Pieces: 140

Difficulty Rating: 2/5

Monotone Bulbasaur front view

Monotone Bulbasaur is a version of the Pokemon that uses greyscale instead of various colors to create the build. Since the build is identical to that of the original, I’m going to direct you there for a review of the building process. I’m only going to review the final build of the Monotone Bulbasaur build here. For more information about the monotone collection click here.

Overall the build is primarily the middle level of grey. The details for the spots are done in dark grey, and the blub is done in light grey. Overall, the Pokemon is still super recognizable and looks like it could have come from the original Gameboy games. I really liked the monotone line and wish nanoblock would make more.

A surprise is that the 4 monotone starters (this build along with builds for Pikachu, Charmander, and Squirtle) all come with a few extra bricks to make a Monotone Mew. This build comes with:

  • 5 1X1 light grey
  • 3 2×2 light grey
  • 4 L-Shape light grey
  • 5 T-Shape light grey
Monotone Bulbasaur side view

Things I liked:

  • I like how the greyscale turns out

Review of nanoblock Monotone Charmander NBPM_015

Monotone Charmander build and box

This post is a review of the nanoblock Monotone Charmander build. Monotone Charmander is part of the nanoblock Pokemon collection. Wondering what else is part of the Pokemon Collection? Click Here for a list.


  • English: Monotone Charmander
  • Japanese: Hitokage Monotone

Number: NBPM_0175

Number of Pieces: 130

Difficulty Rating: 2/5

Monotone Charmander front 3/4 view

Monotone Charmander is a version of the Pokemon that uses greyscale instead of various colors to create the build. Since the build is identical to that of the original, I’m going to direct you there for a review of the building process. I’m only going to review the final build of the Monotone Charmander build here. For more information about the Monotone line please check out this post.

Overall the build is primarily grey. The creature has a white stomach. I still really like the detail in the tail, which uses white and dark grey to create the variation in the flames. Overall, the Pokemon is still super recognizable and looks like it could have come from the original Gameboy games. I really liked the monotone line and wish nanoblock would make more.

A surprise is that the 4 monotone starters (this build along there are builds for Pikachu, Squirtle, and Bulbasaur) all come with a few extra bricks to make a Monotone Mew. This build comes with:

  • 2 1X1 light grey
  • 2 1×2 dark grey
  • 6 1×2 clear
Monotone Charmander back 3/4 view

Things I liked:

  • I like how the grayscale turns out

Review of nanoblock Monotone Pikachu NBPM_014

Monotone Pikachu build with box

This post is a review of the nanoblock Monotone Pikachu build. Monotone Pikachu is part of the nanoblock Pokemon collection. Wondering what else is part of the Pokemon Collection? Click Here for a list.

Number: NBPM_014 

Number of Pieces: 150

Difficulty Rating: 2/5

Monotone Pikachu build front View

Monotone Pikachu is a version of the Pokemon that uses greyscale instead of various colors to create the figure. Since the build is identical to that of the original colored build, I’m going to direct you there for a review of the building process. I’m only going to review the final build of the Monotone Pikachu build here. For more information about the monotone collection please click here.

Overall the build is primarily light grey. The back stripes are normal grey, and its cheeks are dark grey. I like he still has all of his details even though everything is grayscale. Overall, Pikachu is still super recognizable and looks like it could have come from the original Gameboy games. I really liked the monotone line and wish nanoblock would make more.

A surprise is that the 4 monotone starters (this build along there are builds for Charmander, Squirtle, and Bulbasaur) all come with a few extra bricks to make a Monotone Mew. This build comes with:

  • 16 1X3 light grey
  • 6 2×6 light grey
  • 2 2×3 clear
Monotone Pikachu back 3/4 view

Things I liked:

  • I like how the grayscale turns out

Review of nanoblock Blastoise NBPM_019

Blastoise build and package

This post is a review of the nanoblock Blastoise build. Blastoise is part of the nanoblock Pokemon collection. Wondering what else is part of the Pokemon Collection? Click Here for a list.

Number: NBPM_019

Number of Pieces: 220

Difficulty Rating: 3/5

Blastoise 3/4 front view

Blastoise is the 3rd evolution of Squirtle from generation 1. His most recognizable attribute is the cannons on his back.

Overall I found the build challenging because this was one of the first builds that was built using a ton of smaller builds. From the beginning, you are connecting smaller builds together, so it takes a while to see how you are making. In particular, I found Blastoise’s arms to be finicky because there was one stud holding up the L-shaped blocks.

Overall I really like the final build. It is solid and clean and highly recognizable as Blastoise. I feel like it has enough details, like the cannons and the white fingertips, to clarify which Pokemon you are dealing with.

Blastoise 3/4 back view

Things I liked:

  • How the cannons look on his back

Things I didn’t like:

  • Getting his hands to hold and building around the hands once you added them

Link to order: Amazon

Review of nanoblock Eevee NBPM_005

Eevee build with box

This post is a review of the nanoblock Eevee build. Eevee is part of the nanoblock Pokemon collection. Wondering what else is part of the Pokemon Collection? Click Here for a list.

Number: NBPM_005

Number of Pieces: 130

Difficulty Rating: 2/5

Eevee front view

As of this posting, nanoblock has released kits for all 9 eeveelutions. The builds have gotten more detailed as time has passed, so the first builds are a bit simpler. I find that all the kits are recognizable for the Pokemon they are supposed to be. Eevee is the base Pokemon that evolves into all the rest of the eeveelutions and is introduced in generation 1. It is a brown Pokemon with a cream collar and tail.

The build for Eevee starts a bit trickier than the other earlier nanoblock kits Pokemon in the evolution chains such as the Jolteon, Flareon, and Vaporeon builds. There are a few occasions where you need to develop smaller chunks that combine to make the pieces. You are building separate parts from the second step that create Pokemon’s fluffy collar. Once you get the more custom base, you build the model from the bottom up. The ears are much easier to build than the other early evolutions because you are only building up one color, while the evolutions have 2 color ears.

Eevee is one of my favorite Pokemon, so I am happy that the build comes out cute.

Eevee side view

Things I liked:

  • Cute and recognizable

Things I didn’t like:

  • The ears can be tricky to line up

Link to order: Amazon