This post is a review of the nanoblock Mega Venusaur build. Mega Venusaur is part of the nanoblock Pokemon collection. Wondering what else is part of the Pokemon collection? Click here for a list.
- English: Mega Venusaur
- Japanese: Mega Fushigibana
Number: NBPM_092
Number of Pieces: 250
Difficulty Rating: 3/5

Mega Venusaur is the mega evolution of Venusaur. This build is similar in size to the original Venusaur build. Mega Venusaur looks like a normal Venusaur, except the flower on its back is taller and much larger.
This build has 2 major sections. There is the body and the flower on Mega Venusaur’s back.

The first section you build is the body. The first few steps create a large base. from there, the body is built in straightforward layers. The hardest part is noticing there is a dark red and dark brown brick, and the red is used to create the eyes. I didn’t notice the colors, so I needed to take sections of the build apart to fix the mistake.
The body adds details to the build, such as the shadows under the leaves and the pink from the flowers on Venusaur.

After building the body, it’s time to build the flower on Mega Venusaur’s back.
The flower’s first steps create the leaves on one side of the flower. Next, you build leaves for the other side. Then you build the center stem of the flower. The first 3 parts of the flower are combined to create the base of the flower.
After building the base, it’s time to build the actual flower. The directions for building the flower are very straightforward.
The final step is to connect the flower to the body.

Things I liked:
- I really like that the side is pretty close to the original Venusaur
- I like the amount of detail in the flower
Things I didn’t like:
- The flower in the final build is a little flimsy