Review of nanoblock Space Invaders Invaders NBCC_108

Invaders box and builds

This post is a review of the nanoblock Space Invaders Invaders build. Space Invaders Invaders is part of the nanoblock Character collection. Wondering what else is part of the Character collection? Click here for a list.

Number: NBCC_108 

Number of Pieces: 200

Difficulty Rating: 1/5

Invaders build 1

The Invaders are the monsters that you kill in the classic Space Invaders arcade game. During the game, the Invaders move down the screen as the player attempts to shoot all the Invaders before they reach the bottom of the screen.

This kit comes with 4 Invaders. Each is a different color and is 3 bricks deep.

Invaders build 2

Space Invaders is a video game where each character is made up of pixels. In the case of this nanoblock build, each stud on the top layer of the figure represents a pixel.

The basic process for building each character is basically the same, so I’ll describe the process for building the Invader once, but the process is similar for each character.

Invaders build 3

The build begins by laying a base layer of bricks in the invader’s color. I did this on my nanoblock pad because the base layer was so large.

After building the first layer, I added the second layer. This was mostly adding bricks, so the first layer was connected. In some cases, this included adding clear bricks where there are gaps or when the bricks are connected at the corner of the pixel.

Invaders build 4

Things I liked:

  • I liked the colors they picked for the Invaders. The original game was in black and white, so any colors could have been used