Review of nanoblock Great Pyramid of Giza NBH_033

Great Pyramid of Giza build and box

This post is a review of the nanoblock Great Pyramid of Giza build. The Great Pyramid of Giza is part of the nanoblock Sights to See collection. Wondering what else is part of the Sights to See collection? Click here for a list.

Number: NBH_033

Country: Egypt 

Difficulty Rating: 1

Great Pyramid of Giza build 3/4 view

This build has 2 sections there is the Great Pyramid of Giza and the Sphinx. It does appear that in real life, you can see one monument from the other, so that is realistic. I’m not sure if the oasis is realistic as I have never seen photos that include an oasis.

For this build, there are 2 20×20 squares. One square holds the Sphinx, while the other holds the great pyramid. The base plates are connected by the oasis and a sands hill.

While the instructions have you build the 2 pieces in unison, I’m going to discuss the 2 monuments separately.

Great Pyramid of Giza
Great Pyramid of Giza build Pyramid Detail

The Great Pyramid is very straightforward. Each layer of the pyramid is 2 levels high. This creates height to make it taller than the Sphinx, but it also creates the stair-like effect you see in photos. The Pyramid simply goes up, getting smaller and smaller until you reach the peak of the pyramid.

Great Pyramid of Giza build Sphinx detail

The body of the Sphinx is very straightforward and goes up in layers. The hardest part of the body is getting the first layer in exactly the right place.

The head is tricky to put together. This is because of how the diagram is drawn in the instructions. The head is created by building several smaller segments and connecting them together. Each segment is straightforward, but the final connection is a bit confusing.

This build did include several nanoids. I didn’t include them because they don’t match the rest of the scale of the build.

Great Pyramid of Giza front 3/4 view

Things I liked:

  • I really like the color that they used for the Pyramid and Sphinx

Things I didn’t like:

  • Unless there is actually an oasis, I wish they wouldn’t add large details to the Sights to See builds

Review of nanoblock Cathedrale Notre-Dame De Paris NBH_093

Cathedrale Notre-Dame Build and Box

This post is a review of the nanoblock Cathedrale Notre-Dame De Paris build. Notre-Dame is part of the nanoblock Sights to See collection. Wondering what else is part of the Sights to See Collection? Click here for a list.

Number: NBH_093

Country: France 

Number of Pieces: 400

Difficulty Rating: 2/3

Cathedrale Notre-Dame build front view

Notre-Dame is a medieval Catholic Cathedral on an island on the Seine River. This is the original build that only shows the front of the cathedral. There is a second set that shows the whole cathedral.

Cathedrale Notre-Dame build front 3/4 view

This build shows the front of Notre-Dame with the 2 large bell towers and the plaza in front of it.

This nanoblock build begins with a clear blue base to create the Seine. The first plaza is added in the first layer of bricks.

After creating the plaza, construction on the actual cathedral begins. The building goes up in layers. The biggest problem is both the round and square 1x1s are in the same bag, so it’s tricky to get the exact brick you need.

Cathedrale Notre-Dame build back view

Eventually, you add the stained glass window at the front. It is unusual because you build the window and slide it into place.

After making the window, the rest of the building is very straightforward and goes up in layers.

The build also comes with a nanoid. I didn’t include them in my build because I don’t feel like it matches the scale.

Cathedrale Notre-Dame build back 3/4 view

Things I liked:

  • I like how recognizable it is for a small build
  • The detail of the window is nice

Things I didn’t like:

  • How the pieces were bagged for this kit

Review of nanoblock Great Wall of China NBH_136

This post is a review of the nanoblock Great Wall of China build. The Great Wall of China is part of the nanoblock Sights to See Collection. Wondering what else is part of the Sights to See Collection? Click here for a list.

Great Wall of China build and box

Number: NBH_136

Country: China

Number of Pieces: 640

Difficulty Rating: 2/5

Great Wall of China build long side

This build is different than most of the buildings in the Sights to See Collection; instead of having 1 large plate, there are 5 smaller plates that are staggered to create the base.

The build begins with setting the plates up and laying out the base of the hills in green. The darker green is actually a much bluer green which looked a little funny building but looks ok in the finished build. Then the 3rd green and tree stumps are added in the second step to create a complete base where all the base plates are connected.

Great Wall of China build 3/4 view

Over the next several steps, the walls are built up using yellow or tan bricks. I’ve been to the Great Wall, and as far as I remember, the grey went all the way down the wall, not just on top of the wall, so I find the color change confusing.

The build is straightforward as long as you are careful to make sure to count between 1, 2, 3, and 4 on each layer added. Sometimes the 1s can be a bit tough to see.

Great Wall of China build short side

There are 2 towers in the build. They are both made of shades of grey. I feel like the towers are reasonably close to how the towers actually look in real life.

The build also comes with a couple nanoids. I didn’t include them in my build because I don’t feel like they match the scale.

Great Wall of China build long side

Things I liked:

  • I like the collection of greens to create the illusion of hills at the base of the walls

Things I didn’t like:

  • I don’t like the yellow/tan bricks as a base for the wall

Review of nanoblock Himeji Castle NBH_197

Himeji Castle Build and Box

This post is a review of the nanoblock Himeji Castle build. The Himeji Castle is part of the nanoblock Sights to See series. Wondering what else is part of the Sights to See series? Click here for a list.

Himeji Castle build

Number: NBH_197

Number of Pieces: 490

Difficulty Rating: 3/5

Himeji Castle build

Himeji Castle is one of the significant landmarks in Japan. It’s a white castle with a grey roof. While there is a deluxe edition, I also wanted to try the smaller model because there is a collection of miniature castles built on the same size base.

Himeji Castle Build

As to the build, there is a collection of white and light grey bricks to create the building. In terms of the directions, it is easy to tell what shape brick goes where. However, I personally had some difficulty telling where the white bricks were in the previous layer and which were light grey in the current layer. I also had challenges with the outer wall. I think I had to rebuild it like 3 times until it was there and ready to keep going.

Himeji Castle build

To me, it was a really lovely building of a castle. I’m not how much it looks like Himeiji, but it is still clearly a Japanese castle.

Review of nanoblock Kirby Dream Land NBH_230

Kirby Dream Land build and box

This post is a review of the nanoblock Kirby Dream Land build. Kirby Dream Land is part of the nanoblock Sights to See collection. Wondering what else is part of the Sights to See collection? Click here for a list.

Number: NBH_230 

Number of Pieces: 400

Difficulty Rating: 3/5

Kirby Dream Land build front view

Please note that while several characters are on the box, the only characters that are actually part of the build are Kirby and Whispy Woods (the tree). The other characters shown are part of volume 2 of the Kirby mininano collection.

This build has 4 sections. There is Whispy Woods, the base, Kirby on a star, and a tree.

I think it is worth noting there are 2 shades of green (one used for each tree), but they are very similar in poor lighting, so be careful.

Whispy Woods is basically a semicircle of nanoblock. Until you add leaves, the build goes up in layers, with each layer covering the brick gaps from the previous layer. I was a little surprised that the mouth didn’t have anything behind it, but it is really just an opening that you can see through.

When adding the leaves to Whispy Woods, you need to be careful because there are several places where bricks are overhanging. This is tricky because if you push too hard, the bricks might collapse. After building the overhanging sections, the rest of the leaves are straightforward layers.

Kirby Dream Land build back 3/4 view

The final step for Whispy Woods is to add the details. This includes apples in the leaves. There are also the nose and arms added. The final step is to add the root details.

The second section in the instructions is the base. There is a misprint in the instructions. In step 27, the brick between the 2 10×10 plates is green. In step 28, the same brick is shown as clear. Based on extra brick counts and how it appears in steps 30 and 42, I determined the brick should be green. Other than the color typo setting up the base for Whispy Woods is very straightforward.

The third step in the instructions is the small tree in the background. The tree is very straightforward.

Next, you attach the smaller tree and Whispy Woods to the base. The studs for Whispy Woods are nicely lined up, so it was easy to attach him, which was nice and unexpected. I expected to need to turn the roots to attach Whispy Woods.

Kirby Dream Land build side view

The final step is to build Kirby on the star. I built Kirby on my nanoblock pad. At some point, I picked up the build, which was very flexible, so I made sure to do the building on the pad.

First, you build Kirby. It begins with building the base couple of layers that create the entirety of Kirby’s base. The build then goes up in layers using slanted pieces to the arms and to create Kirby’s round shape.

The second step to building Kirby is to build the star he sits on. The star is 2 layers tall and very straightforward to put together.

The final step is to connect Kirby to the star. Then attaching Kirby to the base.

Kirby Dream Land build front 3/4 view

Things I liked:

  • That the build is the same scale as the mininano collection and it even comes with parts to attach those characters to the base

Things I didn’t like:

  • Kirby was really flexible while building him, so I was super glad that I had my pad