Review of nanoblock Mewtwo NBPM_006

Mewtwo build and packaging

This post is a review of the nanoblock Mewtwo build. Mewtwo is part of the nanoblock Pokemon collection. Wondering what else is part of the Pokemon Collection? Click Here for a list.

Number: NBPM_006

Number of Pieces: 130

Difficulty Rating: 3/5

Mewtwo front view

Mewtwo is one of the most popular Pokemon from generation 1. It was also one of, if not the most powerful, Pokemon generation 1. It has remained a favorite over the years while most Pokemon favorites come in waves.

Overall the build was more complicated than the ones I had done before. Getting the arms to line up was the hardest part. This is because you depend on one stud holding things square, which I’ve found can be challenging if you try to go quickly.

Mewtwo stands on 2 2×2 bricks. I expected him to be highly tippy and challenging to get standing up, but he is very well balanced, and as long as you get the feet in the row, he stands up perfectly fine all by himself.

Mewtwo 3/4 front view

Things I liked:

  • The color that they used for the purple detail
  • That he stands nicely

Things I didn’t like:

  • Trying to get his hands to hold up right

Link to order: Amazon

Review of nanoblock Groudon NBPM_062

Groudon build with package

This post is a review of the nanoblock Groudon build. Groudon is part of the nanoblock Pokemon collection. Wondering what else is part of the Pokemon Collection? Click Here for a list.

Number: NBPM_062

Number of Pieces: 290

Difficulty Rating: 3/5

Groudon build 3/4 front

Groudon is one of the 3 legendary Pokemon from generation 3. The 3 legendary pokemon from generation 3 are extremely popular and have appeared in most games since gen 3. The three legendary Pokemon, Kyogre, Groudon, and Rayquaza all remind me a little bit of the traditional art of the Native Americans of the Pacific Northwest with how their lines are drawn and the use of rings.

Groudon is the type of build that I like. It has a reasonable number of steps for the size of what you get and a lot of details. There are several cutouts to show you how to get the detail. Overall the steps are clear and straightforward, which is excellent for the amount of detail. Groudon sits on wide feet, so he is very stable when sitting on a table.

Groudon build side shot

Things I liked:

  • The amount of detail over all

Link to order: Amazon

Review of nanoblock Kyogre NBPM_063

Kyogre build with package

This post is a review of the nanoblock Kyogre build. Kyogre is part of the nanoblock Pokemon collection. Wondering what else is part of the Pokemon Collection? Click Here for a list.

Number: NBPM_063

Number of Pieces: 260

Difficulty Rating: 3/5

Kyogre build from front

Kyogre is one of the 3 legendary Pokemon from generation 3. The 3 legendary pokemon from generation 3 are extremely popular and have appeared in most games since gen 3. The three legendary Pokemon, Kyogre, Groudon, and Rayquaza all remind me a little bit of the traditional art of the Native Americans of the Pacific Northwest with how their lines are drawn and the use of rings.

Kyogre is symmetrical like a lot of the pokemon builds. However, unlike most builds, the instructions are on both sides of the page. The build goes from building a solid base to creating the body and tail of the whale. The second page has the directions for the fins and adds a layer to the bottom of the whale. I find the upside-down instructions hard to read because I always feel like I’m guessing between a 2×3 and 2×4.

Overall, I enjoyed the build, and it created a Kyogre that looks a lot like the Pokemon. However, Kyogre is on a stand that isn’t big enough, so it is tippy and not very stable.

Kyogre from back 3/4

Things I liked:

  • Highly reconizable

Things I didn’t like:

  • Isn’t stable on the stand

Link to order: Amazon