Review of nanoblock Grand Piano NBC_017

Grand Piano build and package

This post is a review of the nanoblock Grand Piano build. Grand Piano is part of the nanoblock Mini Collection series. Wondering what else is part of the Mini Collection? Click here for a list.

Number: NBC_017

Number of Pieces: 150

Difficulty Rating: 2

Grand Piano build front view

The build begins with creating the main body of the piano. It is a simple 3 layers of bricks that can easily be built on the nanoblock pad.

Next, the legs are added. It is a little hard to see where exactly to connect the bricks to the main body. Getting things lined up is important because the main piano can be connected to a 10×10 base that is provided with the kit.

Grand Piano build front 3/4 view

The next part is the trickiest part of the build. It is building the piano cover. It is tricky because it isn’t actually connected to the main body of the piano. The large section can be built on the nanoblock pad. It was straightforward, but getting a clean line at the edge of the top section was a bit tricky. The top section lays at angles on the top of the piano. It creates the image that the Grand Piano is open.

Grand Piano bench detail

The final step is to build the stool for the piano. It is very straightforward.

Grand Piano build back 3/4 view

Things I liked:

  • I like how the piano appears to be open even though it is created by just laying a section on top of another section

Things I didn’t like:

  • I don’t like how there is a base for the piano but not the stool, so the matching set is at different heights