This post is a review of the nanoblock X’mas Wreath build. X’mas Wreath is part of the nanoblock Mini Collection Series. Wondering what else is part of the Mini Collection? Click here for a list.
Number: NBC_046
Number of Pieces: 120
Difficulty Rating: 1
The sale of this kit was limited to George’s, which I understand is a store in Japan.
The wreath is a few layers of bricks tall. I lay the base layer of green bricks on my nanoblock pad. It would need to be the larger pad to be able to lay out the base layer.
When I got to the second layer, I built the bell in the center of the wreath. After adding the bell, I added the second and third layers of green.
The final layer is all the decorations on the wreath. They are spread out around the wreath in a matter that looks somewhat random.
The final step is to add the bow on the top of the wealth.
Things I liked:
- I like how nanoblock creates the curved circle. Creating circles with squares isn’t super easy
Things I didn’t like:
- I’m not sure what the brown decorations are supposed to be. They seem really large and random