
Hello and Welcome to my Blog!

A lot of this information is on my about me page, but I want to take the time to introduce myself. I am currently a full-time graduate student in Computer Science.

A few years ago, I was going through a rough patch where my anxiety was out of control. I started looking for things to help. One of the few things I have found that help is building brick kits. I keep a collection of bricks to have on hand if my stress gets out of hand. The kits I save off tend to be more significant, like the LEGO modular buildings that don’t have stickers.

Nowadays, I spend a lot of my free time building LEGO and nanoblock kits. I collect the Pokemon nanoblock, and in terms of LEGO, I collect the modular buildings, BrickHeadz, seasonal sets, such as the bunnies around Easter.

I want to share what I like and what I don’t like about specific builds. This is because I want people to find suitable kits for them. I have gone through trial and error to figure out what makes for a “good” kit, in my opinion. In order to get a lot of nanoblocks, you have to go to eBay or import through a third-party vendor, so there is a higher cost involved in just getting started. A large LEGO set can begin at $100 and quickly go up from there. I want people to have another opinion as to whether or not a kit is worth the investment before purchasing.

I also plan to share some of my work in progress (WIP) so that you can see what things look like mid-build. I’m only planning on sharing the WIP for the larger builds that I build over a few days.

I have posted a link to make a purchase I will do my best to keep the links updated if for example the items are no longer listed on the site.

Again welcome to my new blog. I hope you enjoy my posts, and please let me know if there is more information you want to know!