About Me

I’m Becca. I’m a computer science graduate student. I’m also married to a computer scientist. He does a lot of the background work for my blog for fun.

I am going to be documenting the nanoblock and LEGO builds that I do in the form of reviews. I started doing building kits as a tool to take care of my mental health. I picked up a couple Pokemon nanoblock kits and noticed that I had lost track of everything that was going on around me. I kept buying nanoblocks and started to collect various collections of LEGO.

Overall, I find there is a lack of information about nanoblocks in the U.S. I feel as though I have built enough to share tips and tools for those. I also want to share detailed photos of builds from various angles since the packaging often only has 1 angle.

I hope this blog can act as a reference for people looking into starting to build. I spend a lot of time going through the building process and writing the review. I also review rarer and retired sets, so people have more information about those builds before spending the money on the kit.

As far as nanoblock goes I collect the following and am working on a complete set (I do have various other sets that also have reviews included):

  • nanoblock Disney (Characters and Attraction)
  • CN – charanano
  • NBC – Mini Collection – award winners, dinosaurs, sea life, and birds, I would eventually get all the animals. I pick up whatever I can.
  • NBCC – Character Collection
  • NB – Deluxe Build
  • NBM – Advanced Hobby
  • NBPM – Pokemon