This post is a review of the nanoblock Daruma build. Daruma is part of the nanoblock Mini Collection series. Wondering what else is part of the Mini Collection? Click here for a list.
Number: NBC_045
Number of Pieces: 180
Difficulty Rating: 2

This build begins with a layer of red bricks that I lay out on my nanoblock pad. The body goes up in layers of red and, eventually, yellow. It is a bit tricky to follow what exactly happens because, in several places, pieces are added to the underside of a brick that is being added.

After a few layers, the base of the face is added. From that point, only the side and back are added to the build until the sections begin to curve in.
The next step is to build the face. This was by far the hardest part of the build because the instructions aren’t clear as to what size brick to use. It took my quite a bit of guessing and trial and error to find the right combination.

After building the face, the face section gets added to the body section. The body section is then closed up, and the build is complete.
This kit comes with 3 Kanji stickers. Since I’m not sure what the stickers say and I don’t normally put stickers on my builds, I chose not to put a sticker on this build.

Things I liked:
- I really like how the finished face looks for so small of a build
Things I didn’t like:
- I wish that the instructions had been clearer in several places