Review of nanoblock Greater Flamingo NBC_055

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Greater Flamingo build and package

This post is a review of the nanoblock Greater Flamingo build. Greater Flamingo is part of the nanoblock Mini Collection series. Wondering what else is part of the Mini Collection? Click here for a list.

Number: NBC_055

Number of Pieces: 110

Difficulty Rating: 3

Greater Flamingo  build front view

I bought this kit used, which meant it had been opened and possibly built before. I wasn’t sure if all the pieces were included when I bought the kit. Sadly when I opened the kit, I learned that I had all the pieces, but there was some discoloration of the white and light pink bricks.

The instructions for this kit are unusual because instead of step-by-step instructions, there is a picture of the finished flamingo and instructions for how to build each section: the body, head, and leg.

Greater Flamingo build front 3/4 view

The leg is the most simple section. It is simply a stack of 1×1 bricks on the base.

I built the body on my nanoblock pad. I laid out the base layer and added the layers to create and close up the top of the build. Then, I flipped the build over, added some more detail, and added the second leg. The second leg is a stack of bricks built to look like stairs.

Greater Flamingo build side view

The head and neck are very straightforward. The neck is a stack of 1x1s broken in the middle by a 2×1. The head is simply a few layers of bricks.

To complete the build, all three sections are combined to complete the finished flamingo.

Greater Flamingo build back view

Things I liked:

  • I find the fact that the build is fairly stable; standing just one leg is impressive.

Things I didn’t like:

  • Sadly since this is a kit I bought used, there is some discoloration of the white and light pink bricks