Review of nanoblock Japanese Rhinoceros Beetle IST_003

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Japanese Rhinoceros Beetle build and package

This post is a review of the nanoblock Japanese Rhinoceros Beetle build. Japanese Rhinoceros Beetle is part of the nanoblock Insect collection. Wondering what else is part of the Insect collection? Click here for a list.

Japanese Rhinoceros Beetle build front view

Number: IST_003

Number of Pieces: 100

Difficulty Rating: 2

Japanese Rhinoceros Beetle build side view

The build begins with a base layer of bricks. I laid the bricks out on my nanoblock pad. It made layering the bricks for the second layer of bricks much easier.

The rest of the body goes up in simple layers that are straightforward.

Japanese Rhinoceros Beetle build back view

The next step is to add the horn of the beetle. I like the amount of detail in the horn.

The final step is to add the legs. Each leg is a chain of 4 black bricks added to a clear brick. The chains are fairly easy to build, but posing the legs is difficult.

Japanese Rhinoceros Beetle build front 3/4 view

Things I liked:

  • I like how the horn of the beetle looks

Things I didn’t like:

  • I didn’t like how hard it was to pose the legs