Review of nanoblock Pesuke NBCC_026

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Pesuke build front view

This post is a review of the nanoblock Pesuke build. Pesuke is part of the nanoblock Character collection. Wondering what else is part of the Character collection? Click here for a list.

Number: NBCC_026

Difficulty Rating: 1/5

Pesuke build side view

Pesuke is from “Pesuke and Usagi.” I’m not sure if he is a chick or a ghost, but I think both the anime style and nanoblock build are cute.

Pesuke build back 3/4 view

Since this kit is so old, I had a hard time finding the kit. I was able to find a kit that had been completed with the instructions. The kit arrived prebuilt in a Tupperware container. I don’t have the packaging for the kit. I’ve written my description of the build based on the directions.

Pesuke has tiny feet. For this reason, the build is built on a 2×10 base. The feet are placed on the front section with a clear brick on the back. However, according to the directions, Pesuke is placed on one end of the base instead of being centered, which is unusual.

Pesuke build back view

After placing the feet on the base, the rest of the build is built in simple layers. At the beginning of the build, the layers are white. Once you reach the head, colored bricks are used to create cheeks, nose, and eyes.

After building the face, the head is closed up, creating a rounded dome shape.

Pesuke build front 3/4 view

Things I liked:

  • I really appreciate that nanoblock keeps his feet small so he looks like the character

Things I didn’t like:

  • I wish the instructions recommended centering the build on the base brick instead of having it off to one side