Review of nanoblock Rilakkuma no oyatsu time NBH_041

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Rilakkuma no oyatsu time build and box

This post is a review of the nanoblock Rilakkuma no oyatsu build. Rilakkuma no oyatsu is part of the nanoblock Sights to See collection. Wondering what else is part of the Sights to See Collection? Click here for a list.

Number: NBH_041

Difficulty Rating: 2

Rilakkuma no oyatsu time build front view

This is a build of Rilakkuma relaxing eating and afternoon snack. According to Google, oyatsu “refers to an afternoon snack that was originally eaten at yatsudoki (approximately 2 p.m.) according to the old Japanese way of counting time.”

The build shows Rilakkuma lying on his side, eating a snack, and watching tv.

Rilakkuma no oyatsu time build side view

This build is made of 2 parts. There is the base with the tv and the body. There is also the head.

The first section is building the body and tv. Both sections are built-in layers. The tv is super straightforward. I had a bit of difficulty keeping track of exactly which step I was on while I was building the body. It was easy to get back on track.

Rilakkuma no oyatsu time build back 3/4 view

The other major section was the head. It goes straight up in layers. It was a bit of a challenge to tell exactly which bricks to use when due to the coloring. I think backlines between the bricks would have been easier to see the differences.

The last step is to put everything together and add the final details. It was a bit hard to tell exactly where exactly the head went, but I was able to get something that looks close to right. There are also very straightforward details of the antenna and snack.

Rilakkuma no oyatsu time build front 3/4 view

Things I liked:

  • I think it is a cute build, but I’m not sure why it’s part of the Sights to See collection

Things I didn’t like:

  • I thought the red thing was an apple, not a tv. But it must be a tv based on the details on the box