Review of nanoblock Rowlett NBPM_051

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Rowlett build and box

This post is a review of the nanoblock Rowlett build. Rowlett is part of the nanoblock Pokemon collection. Wondering what else is part of the Pokemon Collection? Click Here for a list.


  • English: Rowlett
  • Japanese: Mokuroh

Number: NBPM_051 

Number of Pieces: 170

Difficulty Rating: 2/5

Rowlett front view

Rowlett is the grass starter from generation 7. Initially released under NBPM_27, it was only available at Japanese Pokemon Centers.

Rowlett front 3/4 view

Overall this is a straightforward build. It is building the outer shell of a sphere from the base. The first step is to create the base by putting two smaller builds together. From there, you add the Pokemon’s sweet little bow tie. Next, you build the Pokemon by adding rings of bricks for several layers.

As you reach the top of the Pokemon, you begin to close up the head. At this point, you need to be careful to make sure that bricks are extra carefully lined up. As you close up the head bricks, you can push bricks into the cavity and create indents so that you can’t build the next layer.

Rowlett side view

Once you have closed up the sphere, it’s time for the final details. Attach the tail and the feet, and viola, the build is done.

Overall, I really liked this build. I liked the color that was selected for the green details. I had some difficulty getting the head to close up because I wasn’t super tight on my connections.

Rowlett back view

Things I liked:

  • The color of the green details