Review of nanoblock Robin Mask NBCC_122

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Robin Mask build and box

This post is a review of the nanoblock Robin Mask build. Robin Mask is part of the nanoblock Character collection. Wondering what else is part of the Character collection? Click here for a list.

Number: NBCC_122

Number of Pieces: 190

Difficulty Rating: 3/5

Robin Mask build front view

Robin Mask is a character in the Kinnikuman series. He is an antagonist, but he soon becomes a protagonist and a friend of Kinnikuman. For more information about him, check out his fandom wiki page here.

Robin Mask is different from a typical nanoblock build because his head is at an angle instead of being built straight on.

Robin Mask build side view

Robin Mask’s head begins will a layer of Pastel Blue bricks. I was able to build the entire head on my nanoblock pad. The head goes up in very straightforward layers. The hardest part of building the head is getting all the edges to be perfectly square. I like how the head is built around to cover the eyes in a way that they are still barely visible.

The next section is to build the arms and body. I built the body on my nanoblock pad. It is a simple 4 layers of bricks. After building the body from the base up, I flipped the build upside down. Then I added his hands and his hips. I feel that the hands are just blocks, and there isn’t as much detail as there is in some of the other Kinnikuman builds.

Robin Mask build back view

The last step is to build Robin Mask’s legs. Each leg is a tower of bricks that are straightforward to build. The only real difference is what brick is on the top of the leg.

After building the legs, the legs need to be attached to the body. It was a little hard to tell where exactly the legs were attached. However, once I attached the legs, the build could stand without problems.

Robin Mask build front 3/4 view

Things I liked:

  • I liked how solidly the finished build stood. This seems to be uncommon for the Kinnikuman build
  • I like how the eyes look in the mask of the build

Things I didn’t like:

  • I didn’t like how tricky it was to get the 1×1 perfectly lined up
  • I feel like his arms and hands are weak and missing details compared to the rest of the Kinnikuman builds