This post is a review of the nanoblock Raikou build. Raikou is part of the nanoblock Pokemon collection. Wondering what else is part of the Pokemon Collection? Click Here for a list.
Number: NBPM_089
Number of Pieces: 250
Difficulty Rating: 3/5
Raikou is one of the elemental legendary Pokemon along with Entei and Suicune from generation 2. It is the thunder elemental Pokemon.
The nanoblock builds for the generation 2 legendaries are all very detailed, so I’m excited to build them all. Raikou looked to me to have the most detail of the 3 builds.
The build begins with base layers to create the basics of the body. After building the first few layers of the body, you build the basics of the head and attach it to the body.
After attaching the base layers of the head, the rest of the main body and head are built up in layers. When you add the ears, it’s hard to tell where exactly the bricks you are adding are in the directions.
Then it’s time to add details like fangs, legs, and tail. Each detail is fairly straightforward. The tail was a bit tricky because of the chaining, so it was hard to not press too hard, causing the bricks to pop off.
Things I liked:
- I really like the amount of detail in Raikou
- I think that the colors are super accurate for the Pokemon
Things I didn’t like:
- There is some chaining which makes it hard to keep things exactly where I want the bricks