Review of nanoblock Ho-Oh NBPM_033

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Ho-Oh build and box

This post is a review of the nanoblock Ho-Oh build. Ho-Oh is part of the nanoblock Pokemon collection. Wondering what else is part of the Pokemon Collection? Click Here for a list.


  • English: Ho-Oh
  • Japanese: Houou

Number: NBPM_033 

Number of Pieces: 180

Difficulty Rating: 4/5

Ho-Oh front view

Ho-Oh is an unusual nanoblock Pokemon build because it has a difficulty of 4/5. I think it is because it is a challenge to build the wings and tail and getting things to line up correctly. The build has 5 major sections to this nanoblock build. There is a head, a body, 2 wings, and a tail.

The first step is to build the body. It starts with a base layer of white bricks. As you build the body in layers, you will add red for the top of the body and green for the neck.

The second step is to build the head. The head starts is a narrow layer of bricks, and then you build up the head in layers. I really like how the eyes are added to the head. The final step in building the head is adding the crown using yellow bricks. You attach the head to the body but be warned it will now fall over if you try and set it on the base.

Ho-Oh side view

The next step is to build the wings. The process is mirrored between the two wings. The wings are built by having bricks hanging over in each layer. I had some difficulty tracking which layer I was on when I set down the wing for a few minutes, and I picked it up again. I also had a hard time squaring up the white and green bricks. Each wing gets attached, and the build will sit stably when both wings are attached.

Next, you have a quick step to add the feet. It is very straightforward and clear.

The final step is to build the tail. It comes together by putting several small chunks together to create the idea of an open tail. Overall, each chunk is straightforward. However, I had some difficulty telling where exactly to attach to the chunk. I’ve also noticed that each chunk of the tail seems to be loosely connected, so it moves every time I move the build.

Ho-Oh bak 3/4 view

Things I liked:

  • There is a lot of detail for how early in the Pokemon collection this build is.

Things I didn’t like:

  • Overall the build just seems a little loose, and I’m worried about how well it will stay in place long-term. The tail has already shifted without me moving it much.