This post is a review of the nanoblock Lugia build. Lugia is part of the nanoblock Pokemon collection. Wondering what else is part of the Pokemon Collection? Click Here for a list.
Number: NBPM_32
Number of Pieces: 210
Difficulty Rating: 3/5
Lugia is one of the 2 legendary Pokemon from generation 2. Lugia is the mascot Pokemon for Pokemon Silver.
The Lugia build is the first build where the directions went onto the backside of the pages for a total of 46 total steps. Unlike a lot of builds, it isn’t broken down into smaller steps.
Some of the steps are hard to tell precisely where the bricks go on a layer. I found Lugia’s arms much easier to build than Charizard’s wings.
Overall I liked Lugia. I think its arms are a bit clumpy compared to the fluid arms you see in the anime.
Things I liked:
- The coloring is fairly accurate
Things I didn’t like:
- Arms are super clumpy
Link to order: Amazon