This post is a review of the nanoblock Sushi build. The Sushi is part of the nanoblock Mini Collection series. Wondering what else is part of the Mini Collection series? Click here for a list.
Number: NBC_220
Number of Pieces: 120
Difficulty Rating: 2/5
I bought the sushi kit as a gift for my husband. I’m not really a fan of Sushi, but my husband loves the stuff.
There are 3 pieces of Sushi (tuna, egg, and roe) and a base. The base is a very simple and straightforward build.
I really liked building the tuna; it has colors hanging off-center, creating details that make it look like the tuna is hanging off the rice.
The egg is also a nice build, but it is more symmetrical than the tuna, so it was more straightforward.
The easiest to build was the sushi roe. It is basically creating a basket to hold loose nanoblocks. I don’t like the fact there are loose nanoblocks in the build because it is easier to lose the bricks even moving things carefully.
Things I liked:
- The different kinds of Sushi are recognizable
Things I didn’t like:
- The loose bricks that make up the roe
Link to order: Amazon