Review of nanoblock Galar Ponyta NBPM_067

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Galar Ponyta build with box

This post is a review of the nanoblock Galar Ponyta build. Galar Ponyta is part of the nanoblock Pokemon collection. Wondering what else is part of the Pokemon Collection? Click Here for a list.

Number: NBPM_067

Number of Pieces: 200

Difficulty Rating: 3/5

Galar Ponyta 3/4 front right view

Ponyta is a pokemon that was initially introduced in generation 1. In generation 1, it is a fire-type Pokemon. However, this isn’t the build for the generation 1 Pokemon; this build is for the generation 8 psychic-type Ponyta. The psychic type is a unicorn with fluffy pink and turquoise hair.

The build is slightly different because many smaller chunks need to be built and added on. First, you start with the usual base, and from the second step, you create exterior pieces connected to the base. Then you build the majority of the tail and attach it. Then you build up the rest of the body in regular layers.

Galar Ponyta 3/4 right back view

Next, it’s time to make the head by layering from the bottom of the head to the top. Next, you flip the build over and add details for the mane and tail. Finally, you add the legs, complete with details.

Overall I think that this is an adorable build. I really like the colors they picked and how the mane and tail look soft and changing color. There were a lot of bits where if you don’t get things just so, then the build wouldn’t line up.

Galar Ponyta front left view

Things I liked:

  • The colors that were used for this build