Review of nanoblock Bert

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Bert build and packaging

This post is a review of the nanoblock Bert build. Bert is one of the Universal Studios Japan (USJ) nanoblock kits. Wondering what else is part of the USJ builds collection? Click here for a list.

Number of Pieces: 130

Difficulty Rating: 2/5

Bert is one of the muppets that live on Sesame Street. He likes paperclips and pigeons. Bert lives with the overly energetic Ernie and is regularly annoyed by Ernie.

This nanoblock set would have originally only been available at Universal Studios Japan, so I had to get it on eBay.

Bert Front View

There are 2 parts to this build: the head and the body. Bert’s body begins by putting shoes on a 10×10 green base. Next, you layer up the legs using just green bricks. Then you build the striped shirt out of orange and dark green bricks. The final step of the body build is to attach the arms and hands.

After you finish the body, you need to build Bert’s head. The head starts with a base of yellow bricks. You then build up layers creating an inset mouth. After making the mouth, you go directly to Bert’s massive nose in the next layer. You continue adding layers and details like eyes until you reach the top of the yellow head. The last step for this build is to add the hair, which is basically a pyramid stacked on the top. Now that you have the completed head attach it to the body and have a completed build.

Bert 3/4 Back View

Things I liked:

  • The detail of the stripy shirt

Things I didn’t like:

  • The pyramid of hair