Review of nanoblock Dracky

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Dracky build and box

This post is a review of the nanoblock Dracky build. The Dracky is part of the nanoblock Dragon Quest series. Wondering what else is part of the Dragon Quest series? Click Here for a list.

Number of Pieces: 170

Difficulty Rating: 2/5

Dracky front view

Dracky is one of several recurring monsters in the Dragon Quest series. It kind of looks like a bat. I liked the navy color, which is also unique for a nanoblock. The model is round and balanced on three 1×3 bricks. I was worried the model would have difficulty standing, but I was pleasantly surprised that it balanced just fine.

The build begins with a base of navy bricks. On the second layer, you begin to add the mouth. You continue to build up the outside of the monster, eventually adding the details of the fangs and eyes. You ultimately close up the beast, and then it’s time for more details. First, you build wings that mirror each other. I like that these wings have some depth instead of just being flat. Next, you add the tiny antennas that are just a chain of 1x2s. The final step to the Dracky is to add his little feet and tail. Once you have the completed monster, it’s time to get it up on the stand.

Dracky back view

Things I liked:

  • The unique color
  • How solid it is standing

Things I didn’t like:

  • The instructions for the feet and tail are super compact