Review of nanoblock Vaporeon NBPM_020

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Vaporeon build and packaging

This post is a review of the nanoblock Vaporeon build. Vaporeon is part of the nanoblock Pokemon collection. Wondering what else is part of the Pokemon Collection? Click Here for a list.


  • English: Vaporeon
  • Japanese: Showers

Number: NBPM_020

Number of Pieces: 140

Difficulty Rating: 2/5

Vaporeon 3/4 front view

As of this posting, nanoblock has released kits for all 9 eeveelutions. The builds have gotten more detailed as time has passed, so the first 3 builds are a bit simpler. I find that all the kits are recognizable for the pokemon they are supposed to be.

The build is relatively simple. It is basically building up a blue rectangle with white details until you get the head. The fins for the head are a bit finicky and challenging to get lined up.

Vaporeon 3/4 back view

Things I liked:

  • The detail of the fins and how it adds details to the build

Things I didn’t like:

  • Sort of a retangle with stubby legs

Link to order: Amazon