This post is a review of the nanoblock Monotone Bulbasaur build. Monotone Bulbasaur is part of the nanoblock Pokemon collection. Wondering what else is part of the Pokemon Collection? Click Here for a list.
- English: Monotone Bulbasaur
- Japanese: Fushigidane Monotone
Number: NBPM_016
Number of Pieces: 140
Difficulty Rating: 2/5
Monotone Bulbasaur is a version of the Pokemon that uses greyscale instead of various colors to create the build. Since the build is identical to that of the original, I’m going to direct you there for a review of the building process. I’m only going to review the final build of the Monotone Bulbasaur build here. For more information about the monotone collection click here.
Overall the build is primarily the middle level of grey. The details for the spots are done in dark grey, and the blub is done in light grey. Overall, the Pokemon is still super recognizable and looks like it could have come from the original Gameboy games. I really liked the monotone line and wish nanoblock would make more.
A surprise is that the 4 monotone starters (this build along with builds for Pikachu, Charmander, and Squirtle) all come with a few extra bricks to make a Monotone Mew. This build comes with:
- 5 1X1 light grey
- 3 2×2 light grey
- 4 L-Shape light grey
- 5 T-Shape light grey
Things I liked:
- I like how the greyscale turns out