nanoblock Monotone Pokemon Mini Collection

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Collection of monotone pokemon builds

To celebrate the 20th anniversary of Pokemon nanoblock released a collection of monotone pokemon. There are a total of 4 builds that come in normal box kits, Charmander, Squirtle, Bulbasaur, and Pikachu. These sets were only released in Japan so the kits have Japanese names, not English names. These kits are numbered in the main nanoblock Pokemon (NBPM) line. The steps to build each of these kits are identical to the original kits 1-4 but used grey tones instead of colored bricks.

If you collect all four sets, you will get the codes needed to access the pattern for a monotone Mew. The four kits also come with spare blocks so that you can build a Mew. I’ve written reviews comparing the colored build to the grayscale builds. Here are links to the monotone reviews.

Kit NumberPokemon
NBPM_014Monotone Pikachu
NBPM_015Monotone Charmander
NBPM_016Monotone Bulbasaur
NBPM_017Monotone Squirtle
Monotone Mew

Information about these builds came come bulbapedia.