Review of nanoblock Metal Slime

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Metal Slime build with box

This is a review of the Dragon Quest Metal Slime build. This build doesn’t have a product number. Wondering what else is part of the Dragon Quest Collection? Click Here for a list.

Number of Pieces: 130

Difficulty Rating: 1/5

metal slime from front

The Metal Slime build is unique amongst the nanoblock slime builds because it is the only build that uses standard blocks for the slime. I think they did this because the Metal Slime is supposed to be a shiny silver that really stands out from all the other slimes. Metal Slimes are impervious to magic and give a considerable amount of bonus exp if you manage to defeat them before they run away.

Overall the build is highly straightforward, as you would expect from a level 1. You begin with a base and build up. There is a bit of overhang in the first couple of steps, but nothing too difficult if you have done builds before. Next, you build up around the edge of the slime, creating a hollow center. The opening at the top gets smaller and smaller until you close up the top of the slime. Finally, you add the details to the top to create the teardrop shape that slimes are known for.

I like the coloring of the solid nanoblock bricks over the usual clear bricks. I feel like the mouth and eyes match the look and feel better when the bricks are solid compared to clear.

metal slime 3/4

Things I liked:

  • I like the used of solid nanoblock bricks over the use of clears in the normal build
  • It’s a nice clean straightforward build