This post is a review of the nanoblock Gengar build. Gengar is part of the nanoblock Pokemon collection. Wondering what else is part of the Pokemon Collection? Click Here for a list.
Number: NBPM_007
Number of Pieces: 150
Difficulty Rating: 2/5
Gengar is one of the most popular Pokemon from generation 1. There are fan rumors that there may be relations between this Pokemon and Clefable. I don’t believe the rumors because Gengar is evolved from other ghost-type Pokemon
Overall the Gengar build is much more solid than many Pokemon builds. The first 3 levels of the sphere are almost completely filled instead of just tracing the outside. The rest of the build is tracing the outside sphere until it is closed. I really like the detail in the back creating spikes without making the build more complicated. When I was adding the ears, I kept pushing them off the edge and needed to keep getting things relined up.
Things I liked:
- A easy build which are nice from time to time
Things I didn’t like:
- This may be picky but I feel like the color of all of Gengar is off I wish it was maybe the color of Snorlax
Link to order: Amazon