This post is a review of the nanoblock Charmander build. Charmander is part of the nanoblock Pokemon collection. Wondering what else is part of the Pokemon Collection? Click Here for a list.
Number: NBPM_002
Number of Pieces: 120
Difficulty Rating: 2/3
Charmander is by far the most popular of the generation 1 pokemon. I believe that this is because he evolves into the super-powerful Charizard. I personally think he is cute.
Overall, this build has a fairly usual build for the pokemon sets where you start with a base and build your way up through the rest of the build. He is a bit unusual because of the jut out for his tail. The most unique thing about Charmander is that they use transparent blocks for the flame on this tail.
Things I liked:
- The transparent blocks in the tail
Link to order: Amazon